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Power Up Your Rodeo Performance with Solid Landings
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Power Up Your Rodeo Performance with Solid Landings

Power Up Your Rodeo Performance with Solid Landings

If you want to be more powerful in the arena, you have to be training out of the arena, and not just training but training with plyometrics! If you’re looking to level up your plyometric training, it’s crucial to start with a solid foundation—just like you wouldn’t board a plane with a pilot who hasn’t mastered landings. Plyometrics are fantastic for boosting power, but jumping without knowing how to land properly can lead to injuries. Here’s how to ensure you’re set up for success:

Build Eccentric Strength

Before you start jumping high and far, focus on building eccentric strength. This means strengthening your muscles to effectively control the landing phase. It’s not about how high you can jump right now; it’s about how well you can handle the impact when you come back down.

Master Force Absorption

Learning to absorb force efficiently is key. This involves training your body to handle the impact smoothly, reducing stress on your joints and focusing on engaging your muscles to manage the load.

Perfect Your Landing Mechanics

Good landing mechanics are essential:

  • Jump and Land from the Same Position: Consistency helps your body adapt to the demands of plyometrics.
  • Avoid Excessive Flexion: Keep hip and knee flexion below 90 degrees to prevent overloading your joints.
  • Land Smoothly and Control the Impact: Think of “putting on the brakes” to ensure a controlled landing.

Phase One: Foundation Building

Phase one is all about laying the groundwork. This phase is perfect for those new to training, coming back after a break, or recovering from an injury. Focus on:

  1. Basic Motor Control: Get the fundamentals of jumping and landing right.
  2. Proper Landing Mechanics: Optimize how you absorb force, using muscles rather than joints.
  3. Eccentric Strength: Build a strong base for future, more advanced plyometric work.

Progressing Your Plyometric Training

Once you’ve got a solid foundation, you can start progressing your plyometric training by adjusting two key variables:

  1. Eccentric Stress: Increase the intensity of force at ground contact to up the eccentric demands. More force equals more eccentric stress.
  2. Complexity: Mix and match movement elements to fit your skill level. The more complex the movement, the more challenging it becomes.

Guidelines for Progressing Plyometrics

  • Bilateral Before Unilateral: Start with exercises that involve both feet, which are simpler and less demanding, before moving on to single-leg exercises that require more balance and control.
  • Vertical Before Horizontal: Begin with vertical jumps that involve force absorption in one plane before advancing to horizontal jumps that engage both vertical and horizontal planes, increasing the eccentric stress and complexity.

By understanding and applying these principles, you’ll enhance your plyometric training safely and effectively. Build a strong foundation, progress smartly, and keep those jumps powerful and injury-free. Keep pushing forward, and stay strong!


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